Yaroslavl State University named after PG Demidov

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13.11.2011 The prediction

The prediction has come true Morkovina - in advert

09.11.2011 of Tartar came the

of Tartar came the

09.11.2011 in the state of their

like mushrooms after a rain, or, as Tatarsky wrote in one concept, the coffins after the leader.

10.11.2011   nanotechnology
Library (Greek βιβλιοθήκη, from βιβλίον «Book" and θήκη «Storage") - an institution that collects and stores the print works and literature for public use, as well as carrying out a bibliographic reference work.

an institution that

Автор(admin) Алексей Соловьев

09.11.2011   reference work.
an institution that collects and stores the print works and literature for public use, as well as carrying out a bibliographic reference work.

and literature for public

Автор(admin) Алексей Соловьев

02.11.2011   as carrying out
Library (Greek βιβλιοθήκη, from βιβλίον «Book" and θήκη «Storage") - an institution that collects and stores the print works and literature for public use, as well as carrying out a bibliographic reference work.

print works and

Автор(admin) Алексей Соловьев

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